Thanks for stopping by! My name is Grey, and I’m a software engineering manager at Intrinsic. In the past I was a software engineer at Open Robotics which I joined after finishing my doctorate in robotics at Georgia Tech.

Through Intrinsic I work as the project lead of Open-RMF which is an open source software framework for orchestrating autonomous systems, with an emphasis on mobile robots.

Volunteer Efforts

I was proud to volunteer my time to the Code in the Community program which provided free computer programming lessons to children of underprivileged families in Singapore.

With the CITC program now retired, I am eager to find other opportunities to volunteer as a STEM teacher in Singapore. Please feel free to reach out to me if you know of any.

Current Research Topics

I am actively engaged in research around orchestration of multi-agent systems, in particular how to resolve resource contention, guarantee correct async behavior, and make complex systems easier to understand for humans who are not technical experts. I have a particularly strong focus on mutli-agent mobile robot systems, but am also interested in the general problem of orchestration of autonomous distributed systems.

Past Research Topics

My past research projects primarily revolved around Humanoid Robotics and Motion Planning. More broadly, I’m fascinated by the dynamics of legged robots and Locomanipulation Planning. I have also been interested in developing high-performance Teleoperation frameworks suitable for highly dynamic robot platforms.

Contact me

If you have questions about my work or are interested in collaborating, I encourage you to contact me.

I chair several recurring events for Open Robotics which you can find on the official events calendar:

  • Open-RMF: Community Forum, every other Monday at 4pm SGT
  • Open-RMF Project Meeting, every other Tuesday at 9am SGT
  • Interoperability Special Interest Group, the first Thursday of each month at 11pm SGT

I’m always happy to take questions or concerns regarding the projects that I work on, but if the topic might be relevant to a broader audience, then I strongly encourage you to post on the issues pages for the relevant project. If you’re unsure whether your question or concern warrants posting an issue, I’ll be glad to advise you in the matter when you contact me.